Friday, October 1, 2010

Top 10 Ways To Save Your Computer From Hackers.

In this age of technology the use of computer is increasing day by day, and its security is so necessary for us. Due to protect the computer from hackers the experts has made many protection methods which is helpful to protect their computer from hackers. So here in this article there are ten best ways to save your computer from hackers.


01: Software Updates

For the protection of your computer from hackers you should get the best and latest version of application which is impossible for the hackers to find it, another thing is also take place that your web browser and other programs are given best upgrades.

02: Window Updates

Another way to protect and save your computer from hackers is that you should keep your operating system up to dates in for minimizing the risk of virus which is very necessary for your computer.

03: Anti-Virus Software

Another way to protect your computer from hackers is that you should install best quality Anti-virus software, because with out antivirus software your computer is in the list of  hackers and it is dangerous for your computer. So for protection of your computer you must do for the best.

04: Anti-Spyware Software

Anti-spyware software is one of the best ways to protect your computer from hackers, Thanks to anti-spyware luminaries like Ad-Aware, the previously crippling spyware infection had dwindled down whole of year.

05: Switch to Macintosh

Another best way for protect your computer from hackers is with the help of Macintosh operating system which is very secure for your computer because this fact only came about because smaller quantity hackers bother to attack this platform in the first place.

06: Hacker-controlled Websites

Another way to avoid your computer from the hackers is that you should avoid for getting snared by doubtful sites committed to porn, free downloads, online games, and so on; this way, there are not as much of chances for you to be hacked.

07: Spam Email

Another one of the best way to protect your computer from hacker is that you should avoid to open those websites which are doubtful if the massage is doubtful than delete the message which is useful for your computer.

08: Firewall

Another thing which is very important for your computer avoid to be hacked is to install the firewall if you have not install it than I will recommend to install it. Because there are goods that even filter both incoming and out going data streams.

09: Data Backup

Another thing which is very helpful for your computer to avoid from hacker is that if any data which is in your computer as well as related to computer, you should take backup of this data which is very important to save your data from crashes on internet.

10: Password Polices

Another very important thing which is very helpful to protect your computer from hackers is that your password polices should be of high standard using combinations of letters and numbers, and making sure that your password is as secret as potential without necessarily making it too difficult for you to remember it.

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